According the the United States Department of Labor, 5,190 workers were killed on the job in 2016. One out of five of these workers were in the construction industry. Many were killed from a fall, struck by an object, being electrocuted or getting stuck between objects. In addition to this tragic death rate, there were 2.9 million non fatal injuries that same year.
Many of these deaths and injuries could have been prevented had the proper safety procedures been available and followed. Below are 7 vital tips to keep yourself as safe and injury free on the job as possible.
- Always be aware of your surroundings. No matter where you are working, be aware of everything around you such as objects your could trip on, broken equipment or machinery and any unsafe condition.
- Remain drug and alcohol free. Drugs and alcohol can hamper your ability to think clearly, slow down your motor functions and affect discernment. Always remaining drug and alcohol free on the job is vital.
- Use equipment and machines properly. Take proper precautions when using equipment and never take a shortcut. For example, use the right tool for the right job.
- Take regular breaks. Many injuries can occur when someone is exhausted. Always take breaks to stay as alert as possible on the job. If you have a job that requires a lot of thinking and detail, try and do that task when you are alert as possible.
- Wear the correct equipment. It may seem that safety equipment isn’t always necessary, but it is. Earplugs, gloves, hardhats and other items that can keep you free from harm are vital in the work environment.
- Use aids to help when necessary. Utilize mechanical aids when necessary. Don’t lift heavy equipment and possibly injure your back without using equipment that can assist you, such as a forklift, conveyor belt or wheelbarrow.
- Be upfront with your supervisors about safety issues. If you are ever concerned or feeling uncomfortable about a working condition, bring this issue to the attention of your supervisor.
If you feel unsafe about any conditions or are uncomfortable in a working environment, follow your gut and make the supervisor aware of how you are feeling and get out of the unsafe situation. Read about other common workplace safety hazards and how to avoid them on our blog.